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Container Side Loader Semi Trailer

Views: 795     Author: FuDeng     Publish Time: 2016-09-14      Origin: Site

3 axles container side load and unload trailer for sale

This container side loaderspecially designed for lifting 20ft 40ft 45ft container from side. The lifting capacity up to 40 tons.


The Sidelifter is the most versatile and cost effective piece of equipment for loading containers on the ground. There is no other way of delivering and retrieving containers that matches the accuracy and precision of Sidelifter container loading technology.

Container transfers can now take place anywhere that is safe and convenient. This can be at rail yards, transportation depots or any suitable rail siding.

FUDENG Sidelifters can transfer containers to other trailers, trucks and trains, or onto the ground, where they can also double-stack containers.

Container loading and unloading can take place on the ground, reducing the risk of injury. Waiting time for other lifting type machinery to become available is eliminated, as is the need for expensive ground preparation. This not only saves money for the transport operator; it also saves time for importers, manufacturers and distributors.

From sole transport operators through to fleet managers and logistics companies, there is nothing as cost effective or efficient as a Sidelifter.

Shandong Fudeng Automobile Co., LTD

Contact Person: Rebecca Tang

Phone/Whatsapp: +8617686626883




  Foden Liu







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